Thursday, July 9, 2009

page 3

Is there any captivating figure to motivate you in your work? How has these people make any significant changes in your life? I would like to introduce an important figure that I have just learnt. Jay Haley was one of the most influential psychotherapists of the 20th century. He was one of the founding figures of brief and family therapy and one of the more accomplished teachers, supervisors, and authors in these disciplines. Jay Haley never believes in finding the root causes. He does not believe in finding out why people behave the way they do. This is because there can be 101potential roots causes and it depends on which lens we used to diagnose on that particular case. If we used the rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), our hypothesis on client would be Belief; we think that the root problem is beliefs. If we used Psychoanalytic Therapy, we would have link to childhood problem and identity issues. Again if we used Person-centered Therapy, our hypothesis would be that client has not really realized their own potential. Since we can never be sure if we have found the root causes, why bother to find the root causes.

Instead Jay Haley focused on the attempted solution that every one of us tried on to solve our problem. From there, he can assess the effectiveness of the attempted solution; whether if it is effective or not. The goal of this therapy is to resolve a presenting problem by focusing on behavioral sequences. Thus, therapists are concerned about getting clients to behave differently to prevent the repetition of maladaptive sequences and introduce a greater number of alternatives.

My thoughts are always keeping what is working for me and to change the methodology that is not working for me. Another interesting therapy that I have learnt is called the Solution Focus Therapy developed by Steve De Shaze and Insoo Kim Berg. They both believe that client has the required tools to help them solve their own problem. They know what is best for them. Sometimes, we just need to assist them with their thoughts by bringing them to their most desired outcome and working on how to achieve the outcome. For instance, Karl Lewis was the famous sportsman that won many goal medals in the track and field. One day, he was interviewed and a journalist asked him two questions, "Why do you always look far ahead before you run?"
He replied that he is setting a goal. The next question was, "What did you mumble before your run?"
He said, "To you, I was mumbling, but I was not. I was trying to visualize a perfect jump, how it looks like and I kept playing it in my mind

For Kurl Lewis, he was setting his most desired outcome and he works on it. We need to know what we want so that we can work on it. If he doesn't know what a perfect jump looks like, he will not be able to work on it. Solution focus therapy focused on the solution, since we are not interested to know the root causes, we are not really keen to know about the past. We are only concerned about the future and how can we work towards this to achieve what we want. I like to dream, and I know what I want to achieve in my life, hence every step that I take, I am a step closer to my future. My desired income is $150k per annum. I do not dwell on the fact that I am having many degrees and I am not getting an income close to that. In fact, I asked myself, how can I achieve that? Am I willing to take risk? ( My answer is a clear No). I want to take a sure route with statistical proven record and evidence.

Doing business, is one of my dreams that could lead me to being wealthy. On the danger risk consideration, my business may go bust as well. I am not prepared to take the risk at this point of my life. Well, some CEO does earn such pay. Some Lecturer does earn such pay. There are now some maps that can lead to my goals. The next questions come is (how to become a CEO, lecturer or holding a senior position)? I have only one tool that is paper. Yeah sure, I agreed that experience is important as well. However, they are many people with many years of experience holding on to a junior position too. I am not prepared to take such risk. They are many factors besides being promoted to senior positions.

In conclusion, life is all about learning. It is certainly not to learn the same set of skills repeatedly, but on acquiring new knowledge that will enable you to perform better in your role. I am excited about my life journey because I see the best outcome and I am getting closer to my goal. Ultimately I want to set up my own business, I want to run my own cooperation and have my own systemic perspective. For the moment, I needed experience and exposure to do big things. Once I have tasted victory, I believe I will be able to replicate success.

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